Friday, November 30, 2012

How I Became Fatter and FATTER

I ate sweets one day up north during a hurricane in college.  I was withdrawn after I got too sick to take a test.  I stayed at home, sharing a bedroom.  8>  I got so plump!  I even took ballet once or twice a week, for adults.  I went back to college and took 2 advanced ballet programs at the college, the minor and the prep after school at nights.  I didn't have time to go to the gym.  I got fat.  I went sometimes.  I was off my diet, for some reason, guess I got tired of it or just got off.  ^8^  Finally, I had to come home.  I gained more weight after the mental hospital on pizza.  I gained weight not exercising, as well as not leaving my room during the day, when my family was up and about.  Well, it was bad Pizza Pockets from Costco.  :p  I was jogging, but I wasn't eating healthily.  I wanted to before all this happened.  I was some.  I just got interrupted.