Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Female Thing

Isn't it horrible I lost my female thing?  Well, I had it a little, earlier today.  =}  I mean, think about it.  It didn't just like come more.  Oops!  I forgot that's what other meds do.  I don't know why I stood it.  I really don't.  It's my aunt's fault!  '8{

I'm uncomfortable following Ellen DeGeneres.  Tim Burton and Johnny Depp had their kids, late.  I feel as though that's the reason I don't have my female thing.  There really are 2 major points.  My body changed taking the meds, though I had some problems and it probably fixed some, though I didn't need it, which is like illegal..  The other problem is I think everyone cares that their female thing is good, in case they have a baby, most people wanting one someday.  I guess I'm uncomfortable because of Ellen, but I'm kinda mad at the whole situation, to be honest.  I'm mostly mad about the important part, not about how I feel.  I mean, I know it's sorta an idea I am not having kids now, but will I someday?  I guess it saves it for later.  It's just altogether detrimental to have your decaying female thing.